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Post Processing Effect


Post-processing effects are versatile filters that enable you to enhance the visuals of your experience. By utilizing post-processing effect objects within the Lighting service or Camera, you can achieve several visual enhancements:

  1. BloomEffect:
  • Simulate a camera viewing a bright light and intensify its glow.

  • Enhance the radiance of light-colored parts when this effect is set to a high value.

  1. BlurEffect:
  • Apply Gaussian blur to the entire experience.

  • Useful for creating a blurred background when a player accesses a menu, allowing them to focus on crucial details.

  1. ColorCorrectionEffect:
  • Adjust color properties to elevate the overall appearance of the environment.

  • Ideal for enhancing the visual mood of your experience.

  • Properties include Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, TintColor, and Enabled.

  1. DepthOfFieldEffect:
  • Blur portions of your experience that are not in focus.

  • Helpful for blurring distant objects or directing a player's attention to specific elements, such as an item in a shop.

  1. SunRaysEffect:
  • Generate a halo of light with rays around the sun, and these rays move based on the ClockTime or TimeOfDay property.

  • Objects positioned between the player's camera and the sun influence this effect, creating realistic interplays of light and shadow.

You can add these post-processing effects either to the Lighting service (affecting the entire server) or to the Camera (specific to individual players). To add these effects:

  1. Navigate to the Explorer window.

  2. Hover over the Lighting service or Camera, then click the ⊕ button to open a contextual menu.

  3. Choose from the available post-processing effects, such as BloomEffect, BlurEffect, ColorCorrectionEffect, DepthOfFieldEffect, or SunRaysEffect.

These post-processing effects offer a wide range of visual enhancements that can elevate the overall experience and engage players in captivating and immersive virtual worlds.